Videos from Forrest Consulting
Learn about creating strategy, decision-making best practices, being “sticky,” long-term commitment, dealing with risk, and much more.
Small Business Connections with Lee Crumbaugh
Lee Crumbaugh of Forrest Consulting joins Ann Brennan of ASMM - A Digital Marketing Agency to talk about creating a strategy for your business, implementing that strategy, best practices for decision making, and the OODA Loop. And Lee offers more guidance for business owners.
22 Principles I Have Learned From Being an Athlete
This video speaks to what I see as the strategies, habits and actions taken over time that lead to improvement and success. I believe that what it takes for long-term success in sport applies equally well to success in business and other walks of life. I constantly find myself applying what I have learned from being an athlete to my work improving organizations and coaching decision makers.
The Black Swan: Re-setting strategy in high-risk times
Lee Crumbaugh’s presentation to Networking in Annapolis addresses adapting to a Black Swan, an event outside the realm of regular expectations with an extreme impact. HIs guidance? Know that “business as usual" is a temporary state, change is inevitable, and Black Swans are possible. We can plan and adopt strategies and hedges likely to yield a better future and lessen the chance of failure.
Strategy Minute: Changing direction
It's easy to keep doing what's been working. But the world around us is changing. Opportunities and threats are morphing, competition is appearing. An open road can quickly become a dead end or even a wall. Are you keeping an eye on the road ahead for change that will demand that you change? Better to change your services or your business model than ram into the wall! Remember, strategy wins!
Strategy Minute: Industry rules
Sometimes it's smart not to play by the rules! Every industry seemingly has a ”here's how we do this” mentality but sticking to the way others do it can be a dead end and doing it differently and better can be a big opportunity. Is playing by the rules working for you? Maybe you need to think about how you can change the rules and outflank, outsmart, and outplay the others in your industry.
Lift Off: Three Ways You Can Win in the New Year
Wisdom is offered in a conversation between John Maggio of Hawk Marketing and long-time coach and consultant Lee Crumbaugh of Forrest Consulting. In this episode of LIFT OFF, Lee gives three tips for being more successful this year.: #1 Have a plan. #2 Be yourself to be more sticky. #3 Make better decisions.
How we help clients achieve their goals
Lee Crumbaugh talks with video producer Tom Prather, owner of The Blue Wave and a fellow Baltimore Business Development Council member, about how Forrest Consulting helps clients and the satisfaction that comes from helping business people achieve lofty goals.
Success is achieving your dreams
I'm in Florence, Italy, overwhelmed by how fortunate I am to be able to travel and enjoy such a wonderful city, and run the Firenze Marathon. I climbed to the Piazzale Michelangelo and recorded this one-take video to share my joy and offer to help others envision great success and develop and execute strategies to reach their dreams. Buona fortuna!
Strategy Minute: Failure
We don't want to fail and often struggle mightily to avoid it. But here's the secret: Failing fast, learning, and trying again in a different, better way is what brings improvement and greater odds of success. Think of the musician who plays poorly but then through practice becomes a virtuoso. Just ask Mark Cuban!
Announcing AHEAD: Strategy is the way to a better future
Lee Crumbaugh announces his new book in an interview at the Association for Strategic Planning annual conference conducted by strategist and project planning guru Terry Schmidt. AHEAD is based on four decades of research, thinking and application by Crumbaugh, a strategy consultant and certified strategic planner. His mission is to help us understand and tap the power of vision and strategy to transform our organizations.